News and Graduations

News and Graduations2023-12-19T13:33:40+12:00

Land Based Training are proud to celebrate our graduates:

Our students work really hard to achieve their qualifications, so being able to celebrate with them and acknowledge their success when they graduate is a wonderful thing.

Latest News from LBT!

Keep an eye on the latest happenings from the Land Based Training sites around the country.

Celebrating the Class of Whangarei Agriculture, PIOS and Farming Systems Level 3 2024!

Today, we proudly acknowledge the incredible achievements of the graduates from the Whangarei Agriculture, Primary Industry Operational Skills, and Farming Systems Level 3 programme! These dedicated individuals have shown exceptional talent, commitment, and passion for shaping the future of New Zealand’s agricultural industry. Special congratulations to these Whangarei A&P society award winners:  Amelia Mitchell – Technology Leaders of FMG Award  Fergus Manson – Beef Farmer of the Year [...]

Growing Role Models Expo 2024 in Te Kaha

The Ministry of Social Development (MsD) Rotorua whanau, invited Operations Manager Bob Pearce to be part of the Growing Role Models Expo held in Te Kaha on Friday 15 November 2024. It was truly inspiring to see the community come together with such enthusiasm to share knowledge and opportunities for their rangatahi. Witnessing the collective effort to support and uplift the next generation was both heartwarming and motivating. Bob was [...]

Agricultural High School Teachers from Korea Training in New Zealand

Our LBT Horticulture Team of Vanessa Nicholson, Merryn Broderson supported by GM Hamish Davidson & Ops Manager Bob Pearce hosted a contingent of Korean Teachers for a practical insight into what we teach on our Horticulture Courses in NZ. The group travelled under the TERRAMI (Korea Rural & Territorial Development Institute) Overseas Agriculture Training Project. The programme “Agricultural [...]

Josh O’Connell – Former Student – Owner of Arid Phytotherapy Manawatu

In his tunnel house, former student Josh O'Connell engaged in a conversation with Land Based Training tutor, Vanessa, and some of her students. Josh is the proud owner of "Arid Phytotherapy Manawatu". His journey at LBT began with Level 2 Horticulture with Henry in Tokorangi, followed by Level 3 Horticulture with Paul Smith. Subsequently, he pursued a Farming skills course with Neil Oldfield and then delved into Sustainability Level [...]

Contact Info

191 St Hill Street Whanganui, 4500

Phone: 0508 TRAIN ME

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