In early November 2023, four learners. Who are Kaimahi from the Tawhirikura Iwi/Hapu enrolled in full-time study with Land Based Training. At the end of August 2024, we celebrated their success in passing their NZ level 3 Certificates in Horticulture.

They completed their studies and lessons with New Plymouth – based tutor Merryn Broderson at their own native plant nursery and office site at Waiwhakaiho.

All kaimahi worked full-time for the ‘Kaimahi 4 Nature’ project and were offered the chance to upskill and develop their Horticulture knowledge by their employer. They jumped at the opportunity to grow their own knowledge and experience.

The Tawhirikura Iwi/Hapu Kaupapa:

Kaupapa: Whakaaraara te tangata, ka whakaora te wai, ka whakahoki te taonga – Restoring and revitalising taonga species and habitats on Waiwhakaiho River to encourage mahinga kai rehabilitation and enhancement.

(Referenced from the Ngati Tawhirikura Taiao Facebook page)

The four graduates are some of the leading kaimahi of the Waiwhakaiho Restoration Project – where their mahi involves propagation of eco-sourced native plant species to plant alongside the Waiwhakaiho Awa, pest trapping, maintenance of planted riparian areas and bird monitoring amongst other conservation project work.

The graduation was held at the Katere Marae, where Iwi Trustees and graduates enjoyed waiata, haka, some awesome speeches, a few laughs and a lovely morning tea. It was a terrific journey with this wonderful Iwi group and a privilege to gain an insight into their roles as kaitiaki and kaimahi for the Waiwhakaiho Restoration project.

Land Based Training’s Operations Manager, Bob Pearce attended the graduation. Bob stated that running this course in conjunction with the Iwi was entirely in line with Land Based Training’s mandate of working closely in conjunction with Tangata te Whenua in developing and maintaining their own whenua.

The ākonga graduating today displayed tenacity, character and a willingness to learn, that has ultimately seen them successfully conclude this learning journey. On behalf of Land Based Training, I wish them and the Waiwhakaiho Restoration project the very best for the future.

Royden @graduation
Degan @graduation
Dyllon @graduation