This micro-credential is designed to develop the knowledge and skills of graduates to the level where they can assist with the implementation of aspects of primary industry operations.  The specific focus for this MCD is fencing and maintenance for the primary industries. Learners will gain skills enabling them to build and repair rural fences safely and effectively.

ModulesModule Descriptor
NZMCFM.0001Worplace Risk
NZMCFM.0031Fencing Wire
NZMCFM.0032Install Battens
NZMCFM.0033Install Posts

Outcome Statement

Graduates of this micro-credential will be able to:

  • Identify and assist with the management of workplace risks.
  • Carry out rural fencing and maintenance safely and effectively using standards approved post, batten, and wire methods.
  • Demonstrate effective risk management and reporting processes in a primary industry setting.

Duration of Study

10 weeks full time or 20 weeks part time

The cost of this micro-credential is $129 inclusive of GST